Story of a Whale ♥

Sunday 7 December 2014 | 20:40 | 0 comments

I wasn't raised in a mansion
Or fed with a silver spoon
I wasn't brought up to think money is everything
Because only fools believe that’s true
I wasn't raised to live out my parents dream
But to proudly dream my own
I wasn't raised to walk the popular path
But to strongly pave my own
I wasn't raised with material things
But something great indeed
I was raised with love
And love is all I need

You are both special in every way,
Encouraging me more & more each passing day.

You both are the reason why I'm so strong,
With you two a helm not a thing could go wrong.

You've both helped me through many trials & tribulations,
You’ve made things better in every situation.

Thank you both for always being there,
And showing me that you truly care.

Words could never explain how I feel about you,

But I hope you know that I truly love you two!

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