Story of a Whale ♥

Tuesday 25 July 2017 | 09:18 | 0 comments

Hello there.. so, tonight, after so many month I've been thinking to post this entry, I decided to post this tonight. DEPRESSION... yes,, it's a serious problem esp for the teens nowadays. Some people just take it easy and think that depression is nothing compared to those serious illness (yes, I've met a few before) 
( I used to hide here,library bilik bawah tanah alone)

so, this is not typical-fact based post about depression.. this is based on my own experience. I have suffered a depression quite a long time ago and I think it's normal for those esp uni students like me. So, at first I think it was just a normal homesick (well, it's the first time for me berpisah with my family) until benda ni berlanjutan.. not just a week or a month but for about a year..It started when I first enter uni. I started to feels sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, trouble with concentration, sleeping too much and tired and yg paling teruk, I have the thoughts of suicide once. But, Alhamdullilah, diri ini masih bisa membezakan dosa dan pahala.

How I cure my depression?
First of all, I think depression is when you feel that you are lonely in this big big world. So, find someone, not necessarily ur best friend but it could be anyone that u believe. It could be a counsellor, teacher, parents, siblings and etc. Talk to them. It really helps a lot. but be careful, if you tell ur story to someone that have a bad intention, it could be worst (you know, even our shadow leave us in darkness)

Secondly, be YOURSELF
this one is a bit difficult because I've been faking myself for a year (that's why I undergo depression) lol. All you need to be is yourself dear, everyone else is taken. It could be hard sometimes because well, you know that-so-called "society" nowadays searching for someone that is so perfect. If you cannot be yourself, at least love yourself. know yourself, what you like or what you enjoyed. Find something that can make you happy.

Next, self treat
I always self treat myself with food. (well,yeah. food can make people happy). When you do self treat, don't forget to compliment yourself like "you have done your best this week.keep it up". you know, it could be as simple as a b c but this kind of motivation is all we need. 

The most important thing is
Don't forget to pray. Tahajud is the key to gain confidence and to feel more calm. Talk to Allah. He is a great listener,  you don't need to shout, nor cry out loud. Because He hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart.

Lastly, if u undergo depression, THINK on how to cure it instead of feeling down all time. It's takes time but it will cure as time flies. NEVER lose hope on yourself. Only you can help yourself. You will become stronger in future.

as a result, I've successfully finished my foundation in UPM


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