Story of a Whale ♥

Wednesday 20 May 2020 | 10:47 | 0 comments

We always heard about it. Off your social media to detox your social life. Easy to say but hard to do. I know, because I have experienced it too. The point is, why is it so important to turn off your social media?? And in what situation should you turn off your social media?? The answer is:
  • When you start to compare your life with others.

At first, it was just simple comparison but trust me, in times, it will get worst. I know, it’s normal. We’re human. We tend to see what we don’t have in other people. It could be anything such as things that we can’t afford, talent, money, car or even food that they’re eating. This feeling will develop into jealousy which will later turn into many other negative things. So, I believe it is best to turn off your social media whenever you feel like you want to compare your life with others.
  •  When you start to want to show off everything in your social media.

I don’t know if this is just me or others also sometimes have the feeling of wanting to let the world know whatever happens in your life. I’m not saying it is a really bad habit but sometimes maybe we could slow down this habit. What about just sharing beneficial things to motivate others and not to show off to others. For example, show the pic of you donating blood to invite others to do the same. Sometimes, we don’t really know there might be some people who are jealous of us and might be hoping to see us down. I’m not being negative, I’m just being realistic.
  •  When you started to doubt yourself and your life.

This is the worst case. When you start to feel like you are living the wrong life. You started to feel like “this is not how I’m supposed to live”, “why am I the only one who did not achieve anything” and so on. You know what, everyone has their own pace. We don’t know what other people going through while trying to achieve things and actually, it is OKAY to fail. As long as you don’t give up on yourself. The best is to deactivate your social account, spend good quality time with only yourself. Talk to yourself and understand yourself.

There’s more reason to turn off your social media. I’m not saying that social media is totally worst but what I’m trying to say is, whenever you feel like you are not living as yourself, try to detox your life by deactivating your social media. You don’t have to be like others and other people don’t have to live like you. 

Till we meet again.

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